Programs & Services
Parenting is one of the most difficult jobs in the world and yet we receive little or no training that prepares us. The way you parent a child can have a lasting effect on children and their development.
Whether you are a parent, neighbor, uncle, church member, or teacher we can all support families and make a difference in the life of a child. No one has to do it alone. The Family Tree is here to help. We offer a wide range of free programs and resources that will give you the tools you need to raise healthy, productive children. Every person has the ability to influence children and their development.
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Parenting Education
Home Visitation
Home visitors work to develop a trusting relationship with families and support parents in overcoming the many challenges of daily life.
Kids Care Plus – Flexible Child Care
With this program, you can find a safe and nurturing environment for when you need it most. We provide drop-in care for up to 4 hours, with the same qualified staff and activities as full-time child care.
Community & Professional Trainings
The Family Tree offers a range of professional workshops for any adult who works with children and families including child care workers, law enforcement, allied health professionals, church and community leaders, etc.
BCCCRC – Baltimore City Child Care Resource Center
Baltimore City Child Care Resource Center (BCCCRC) serves as the hub for issues relating to the care and education of young children in the City of Baltimore.