Home Visitation
Current Programs
Healthy Families
In collaboration with Prevent Child Abuse America, Health Care Access Maryland and other health care providers, we are proud to offer this research-based home visitation service designed for expecting parents in Baltimore. It offers free support services that include pre-natal and peri-natal medical care, parenting education, skill building resources and connections to community-based programs. Plus, we can serve any Spanish-speaking pregnant mom in the city.
This program, which offers ongoing support up until the child is 3 years old, is recognized by the U.S. Department of HHS as one of seven proven home visiting models.

Parents as Teachers
Parents As Teachers is a nationally recognized program proven to help parents and caregivers in the development of their children’s social, emotional, and mental health. We provide support for families in Baltimore City with children 0-5 years old and offer monthly home visits, parenting activities, development activities, and workshops for the whole family. Our Parent Educators support parents in fostering children’s social, emotional, and academic development before they start school.
Family Connects Maryland
Family Connects Maryland is a short-term home visiting service for select Baltimore City moms who deliver at Sinai Hospital. The program is free and voluntary, and home visits are done by a registered nurse.