The Family Tree recognizes the importance of community-based support for all children and families during National Child Abuse Prevention (CAP) Month in April. The theme of the April 2025 Child Abuse Prevention (CAP) Month is “Powered By Hope, Strengthen By Prevention.”

  • Throughout CAP Month, Prevent Child Abuse America and The Family Tree are are building a narrative of hope for children and families through collaboration and the creation of an ecosystem of primary prevention. Communities must build positive futures together in partnership.
  •  Each day is an opportunity to build the foundation for our future. Prevent Child Abuse America and
    its powerful network of prevention advocates and practitioners from coast to coast is poised to provide families what they need before they are in crisis. But we know we can’t do this alone – we all have a role to play as healthy partners in our communities.
  • Building healthy communities takes work. We all have a responsibility to ensure children have positive experiences, and help families have the resources they need, when they need them.
  • Strong communities are built on stable foundations. Everyone benefits when we focus on addressing
    underlying causes that lead to health and social inequities.
  • Sometimes, building for the future means deconstructing the past. Proactively addressing inequity and injustice allows us to support safe, stable, and nurturing environments.
  • Policies and programs that put families first build all of us up during uncertain, stressful times. Working in partnership can allow us to relieve some of the overload experienced by parents and caregivers.
  • Children who live in families with access to economic and concrete support are less likely to experience abuse and neglect.
  • We must change the way our society values and cares for our children and families to address the
    structural and social determinants of health and wellbeing, including poverty and systemic racism.
  • All children, parents, and families should be able to access the support and resources they need, when they need it, in their own communities, without stigma before they are in crisis.
  • Prevention is hard work, but it is also heart work. We listen to families and lift them up.
  • Positive childhood experiences build healthy families and strong communities.
  • Childhood lasts a lifetime.

The Problem

In Maryland, a child is reported abused or neglected every 10 minutes. For every reported case of abuse, two go unreported. Child abuse and neglect cost Maryland taxpayers $1.5 billion each year. Yet for every $1 invested in our cause of prevention, it is estimated that the state saves $15 on treating its long-term effects.

The Solution

Prevention is the answer. The Family Tree is the leading authority in Maryland for the prevention of child abuse and neglect. Each year, we reach more than 26,000 individuals with research-based programs, services and trainings that empower families and provide support to communities and professionals. Our services range from a single conversation on our Parenting HelpLine, to a supportive relationship that can last a lifetime. They include:

  • Parenting Classes
  • Home Visiting
  • Anger Management Classes
  • Children & Youth Services
  • Parent Leadership & Support Groups
  • 24/7 Parenting HelpLine
  • Community Education, Outreach & Training
  • Child Care Training & Technical Assistance
  • Connecting Families with Quality Child Care
  • Public Policy & Advocacy

Reporting Suspected Child Abuse and Neglect

We all have a role to play when it comes to preventing child abuse. All Maryland citizens should report suspected abuse or neglect to the local department of social services or to a local law enforcement agency.

Suspected abuse or neglect can be reported by calling:



Understand the Facts

Child abuse and neglect are defined by Federal and State laws.

What is child sexual abuse?

To be effective in preventing child sexual abuse, we must have a clear understanding of what it involves.

Talking With your Child about Sexual Abuse

Children and young people are bombarded with information and misinformation every day. Start with good communication…

Mandatory Reporting

The Federal Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA) requires each state to have provisions or procedures for requiring certain individuals to report known or suspected instances of child abuse and neglect.

Spread Awareness and show support by wearing Blue with us on April 4, 2025!

 Post a picture in your best blue and tag us on social media


We Can All Help Prevent Child Abuse!

Child abuse does not discriminate, and we need to protect children. Here are some ways you can help in our current climate, during child abuse prevention month and always! 

What To Do If You Suspect Child Abuse or Neglect

It is important for you to know what to do if you think a child is being abused or neglected. It is important to speak up to protect children! If you have any questions, please call our Parenting HelpLine: 1.800.243.7337. This is not just a resource for parents and caregivers, any person with concerns about a child should call this number!

Strengthen Protective Factors in Your Community

We want to help promote healthy families and communities. One way to ensure all children grow up feeling safe and loved is to learn about and promote protective factors in your family and community. Protective factors are characteristics that can be present at both a family and community level. The presence of these factors helps reduce the risk of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) like child abuse and neglect. Everyone can play a role in prevention, learn more about our trainings today!

Positive Parenting Techniques to Try This Month

The Family Tree promotes positive parenting techniques all year long, but with it being Child Abuse Prevention month, we want to share new techniques for you to try this month! Learn more by signing up for one of our parenting classes.

Please download and share our Child Abuse Prevention Month Flyer!

Sharable Social Media Images

Please share to your profiles to help spread the word!


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