“Child care programs across the country are ‘afraid to stay open and afraid to close,’ caught between fear of the coronavirus and fear of financial ruin”
Lillian Mongeu, The Hechinger Report
Child Care Industry Needs Support
The anxiety and uncertainty for the child care providers we serve is immense right now. Rhian Evans Allvin, CEO at NAEYC, a national professional association for child care providers, recently stated that “The economics [for providers] are fragile in good times. When a crisis like this hits, it is devastating to the child care field.” (The Hechinger Report, 2020).
This crisis has shined a light on infrastructure shortcomings of the child care industry. When we are finally able to return to some sort of normalcy, and parents can go back to work, we need to be sure child care providers are up and running with more support than ever. As always, Baltimore City Child Care Resource Center is ready to assist.
For Baltimore City childcare professionals, this moment means that through the rapid change in the childcare landscape that we are still there for children and families. BCCCRC is committed to supporting providers by reaching out to them more often, helping them understand how to use technology not only for professional development, but also using it to connect with their families. Additionally, BCCCRC ensures that the information that we are sharing is timely and accurate.
Nancy Pelton, BCCCRC Director
The Family Tree’s Baltimore City Child Care Resource Center (BCCCRC) serves as the hub for issues relating to the care and education of young children in the City of Baltimore. BCCCRC is a member agency of the Maryland Child Care Resource Network, and serves parents, child care providers, the business community and others who are interested in early care and education. BCCCRC is committed to providing leadership and services to improve the quality, accessibility and affordability of child care in Baltimore City.
After cancelling all face-to-face training classes through June 30, BCCCRC staff adapted quickly to the new normal with the help of technology. Classes have been moved to an online learning platform and are now available. Classes will be posted on the BCCCRC web site, on the BCCCRC Facebook page, and through email blasts.

BCCCRC continues to provide support, information, and referrals to the child care community now operating under the EPCC (Essential Personnel Child Care) designation. You can find more information about who is essential here.
Last week we met with a group of family childcare providers via Zoom who expressed a feeling of pride to be able to assist with the crisis by providing care for the children of essential personnel. At the same time, many are staying connected with the families who have not been declared as essential personnel by offering Zoom circle time activities, creating activities for the children to do and dropping them off on the children’s porches and checking in with children and families via Facetime.
Jennifer Lentz, Professional Development Coordinator
Per the directive from Governor Hogan, BCCCRC’s offices at The Family Tree will be closed through April 24. But, BCCCRC Staff is still available, working remotely from home, Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm. Our Early Mental Healthy Consultants and Technical Assistance Specialists are available by phone, Zoom and email. Telephone messages left on office phones will still be delivered to each staff member via email (contact information listed below). If you have any questions or concerns about your child care license, training or child care needs in Baltimore City, please do not hesitate to reach out.
We are all here to assist you through this crisis. Do not hesitate to reach out to any staff member during the coming days and weeks:
- Nancy Pelton, General information and inquires: npelton@familytreemd.org
- Jennifer Lentz, Training and CDA Project: jlentz@familytreemd.org
- Carol Powers, Technical Assistance: cpowers@familytreemd.org
- Sue Penix, Technical Assistance and Infant Toddler Programing: spenix@familytreemd.org
- Suzanne Funk, Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation: sfunk@familytreemd.org
- Tova Hoicowitz, Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation: thoicowitz@familytreeme.org
- Jennell Bailey, Training registration, general information: jbailey@familytreemd.org