Early Intervention Project

Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health (IECMH) Consultants:

IECMH Consultants offer FREE consultation to support Early Childhood Professionals and families to address the social, emotional, and behavioral needs of children aged birth through five. IECMH consultants do not diagnose, provide direct therapy, or act as a child’s aide. Through observations, assessments, and discussion, consultants assist educators and families to help understand and develop a plan to meet each child’s needs while in a group setting.


How consultants can help your program:

  • Challenging Behaviors
  • Peer Interactions
  • Following Classroom Rules & Routines
  • Understanding Social-Emotional Differences
  • Sensory Needs
  • Developing Cozy Corners

 Services are FREE in licensed child care settings located in Baltimore City. Looking for support in a different county?

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Early Interventions Project Referral

To support adults in preventing, identifying, and reducing the impact of social, emotional and behavioral challenges among children birth through 5 years of age.

  • Assistance in understanding children who are experiencing social-emotional, behavioral and or/developmental concerns
  • Techniques and strategies to support social emotional development
  • Referral recommendations

For more information contact sfunk@familytreemd.org or complete the form below:

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The Baltimore City Child Care Resource Center is a member of the Maryland Child Care Resource Network with funding provided from the Maryland State Department of Education, through Maryland Family Network.

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